Welcome to BAS-stakeholder Associations (BAS) website!

The association is a non-profit organization whose members represent industry associations, interest groups and Government agencies. The association has the objective to manage and develop the so called “BAS-kontoplanen” (a chart of accounts) and publications connected to the chart of accounts.

Companies in Sweden are not forced by law to use any special chart of accounts. “BAS-kontoplanen”, however, is today the dominant chart of accounts for Swedish enterprises. Approximately 95 % of all companies in Sweden use some form of “BAS-kontoplanen”.

BAS activities cover the maintenance, revision and improvement of the chart of accounts and related publications, as well as other activities that are of importance for the use of “BAS-kontoplanen”.

If you would like more information in English about our association and the work we perform, please feel free to ask questions via info@bas.se.